Horizon Fitness | Vision Fitness | Supplements

Ask an Expert: Nutritional Supplements

Question: I’ve read a lot about nutritional supplements lately. Are they something I should consider adding to improve my health and fitness? If so, what is the best (and safest) way to start? I get asked at least a few times a week about different supplements and exactly what people should or shouldn’t be taking to help […]


Ask an expert: Workout nutrition

It never fails, halfway through my workout I end up lacking energy. I know I should have protein immediately following my workouts, but do you have any advice on what I should be doing and eating before my workouts to sustain my energy?  –Alec Your awareness during your workouts is a great first step in […]


Breakfast: Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

How many times has someone reminded you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? It’s one of those health bromides that most everyone knows — and ignores. We’re usually in just too much of a rush in the mornings to do anything more than grab a pre-packaged or frozen something and call […]