
Transitioning from Indoor to Outdoor Running

Treadmills are a great tool to have in every runner’s arsenal. They make sticking to your workouts possible during the winter months, spring rain, and summer heat. They can also make it safer to stick to your running plan when your schedule and family demands leave you training during off hours. That said, if you want […]


Ask an Expert: Staying Motivated

At the beginning of every year I hit the ground running, only to struggle with my workouts a few weeks later. Do you have any tips on staying motivated through the winter? -Meghan Congratulations on your strong start for the year! To keep your fitness efforts strong this winter (and continue rolling throughout the year) there […]


Selecting a Resolution That Will Stick

Question: I just invested in my first piece of home fitness equipment and really want to make a healthy start for the new year. Do you have any advice on setting a New Year’s resolution that will actually stick? First of all, congratulations on committing to a healthy new lifestyle–no matter the time of year! Whether […]


12 Days of Fitness Tracking with ViaFit

ViaFit (exclusive wireless connectivity found on select Horizon Fitness and Vision Fitness products) enables your equipment to share your workout data with your favorite fitness apps and other tracking devices like FitBit, MyFitnessPal, RunKeeper and more. With ViaFit, you’ll never have to manually enter your workouts anywhere because your equipment will do it for you. How […]


Ask an expert: Incorporating exercise into a busy schedule

Q: I always seem to find an excuse not to exercise. What are some easy exercises I can do to incorporate fitness into my busy schedule? — Sherry Great question – and one that almost everyone can relate to. The big thing to remember is that scrimping on time doesn’t mean sacrificing quality in your workouts. […]


Interval workout basics

Interval training is one of the most effective ways to get fitter and burn more calories. The concept is simple and works for any piece of home fitness equipment. Constantly varying the intensity and anticipating your next recovery or push makes these workouts fly by. Increasing post workout demands for recovery, burns calories even after […]


Ask an expert: How often should I replace my running shoes?

I’m a relatively new runner (I only run about 10 miles per week). How often should I be changing out my running shoes? -Jared Welcome to the wonderful world of running! Ten miles per week is a great running regimen and at that rate, the average running shoe will last about 40-50 weeks or close […]