
The Best of Ask an Expert

The Horizon Fitness experts have answered a lot of great questions over the years, ranging from how to clean smelly workout clothes to incorporating more strength into fitness routines. They’ve helped new moms wanting to return to fitness after giving birth, to advanced runners looking to improve their half marathon time. Do you have a […]


Meet Coach Jenny Hadfield

Take a moment to meet one of our Horizon Fitness expert bloggers, Coach Jenny Hadfield! Coach Jenny is a published author (her books include Marathoning for Mortals, Running for Mortals, and Training for Mortals), a coach, public speaker and endurance athlete. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology, a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science […]


Ask an Expert: Music While Running

Question: I like listening to music while running.  Will this put me at a disadvantage during a race if they do not allow headphones?  -Stacey You’re not alone, Stacey. There are a host of runners that love to listen to music while running to their favorite mix, so much so that there are even running music apps for […]


Ask an Expert: Running Pace

Question: The whole idea of “running pace” is foreign to me–I’m a new runner! However, I read a lot about it in magazines and hear about it at local races from my friends. Can you help me better understand what it is so I can apply it to my running when I’m ready? — Michele […]


Sofa to 5K Challenge Winner

Photo credit: Henrik Olson Photography A huge high five goes out to all of our Sofa to 5K Challenge participants this year — especially to Lisa, the grand prize winner of a Horizon Fitness product! Keep on scrolling to read her inspiring story (that turned out to be a little more extreme than a 5k), […]


Join the Sofa to 5K Challenge

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Have you ever wanted to run a 5K race? Well now is your chance! In just 10 short weeks, Coach Jenny will have you up and running — and well on your way to completing your first 5K. The easy-to-follow, 10-week Sofa-to-5K training program begins Monday, September 15, 2014 and ends with running a […]


Ask an expert: Best running surfaces

I typically run on the sidewalks around my neighborhood – is this bad for my joints? Is there any benefit to switching it up and running on different surfaces like the road, grass, loose gravel, etc.?  -Sarah Running on a variety of surfaces is a great way to mix up your routine, boost your motivation and […]


From zero to running

  Whether you’re new to the running scene or recently fell off the wagon, training to run can be easier than you may think.  Sure, if you go at it the way I did when I didn’t know any better (too far, too fast) it won’t be easy, but if you ignore what your head is […]