Johnson Fitness & Wellness

The Benefits of Using Stationary Bikes

New exercise routines and regimens seem to appear on a daily basis, and treadmills and ellipticals continue to be the most popular cardio pieces in the gym, but don’t overlook the stationary bikes. The benefits of using an stationary bike are numerous and diversified. It is a great workout for beginning exercisers, elite athletes, and those returning from injuries. It’s also good for someone who doesn’t have the space or budget for a high-end treadmill or elliptical.

#1 Benefit: Low-Impact

Other than training your cardiovascular system and burning calories, the single most significant benefit to using a stationary bike is that it allows you to do those things without the pounding and impact of weight bearing exercises. An exercise bike allows you to train while giving your skeletal system and joints a break. So physiologically, you can see how it is useful to every type of exerciser.
Although there are dual action bikes (with upper body arms) available, most bikes in use today are lower body upright and recumbent bikes. Don’t fall into the trap believing that because you are not using your upper body, you are not getting a good workout. The largest muscles in the body are in your legs and when you put them in motion against resistance, you will get a great workout.
Stationary bikes are a great way for first time exercisers, overweight users looking to lose weight and those needing a low-impact workout to begin an exercise program. They are fixed motion pieces that require very little coordination and are relatively easy to use. You can elevate your heart rate and burn calories and fat without the stress of a weight bearing exercise.
For elite athletes, the bike provides a great complementary cross training workout, while reducing the risk of developing overuse injuries. You can get off your feet and give your joints a break from impact activities, yet you can continue to train your cardiovascular system. Each activity you do works your muscles differently. The bike can also add variety to you workout routines.
Finally, if you are recovering from an injury or joint replacement, the bike can be an integral part of your recovery and help get you back on your feet doing what you love to do.

#2 Benefit: Cost

These are two of the biggest factors or hurdles people encounter when trying to decide on a piece of fitness equipment for the home. If you can’t commit to at least $1,500 for a quality treadmill or a $1,000 for a quality elliptical, a stationary bike may be the better option for you. There are many quality choices for under a $1,000.

#3 Benefit: Space

If you are tight on space, the stationary bikes take up less room and are portable. Just wheel it out in front of the TV and you are on your way to a healthier future.

Summary Of All The Benefits Stationary Bikes

If you’re in the market for a new piece of cardio equipment, consider a space saving exercise bike for a great low impact workout.

Here Are A Few Quality Stationary Bikes To Consider While Shopping