Johnson Fitness & Wellness

How to Dress for Winter Running with the Best Gear

Running outside in the winter may seem daunting, but with the right gear, it can break the hibernation like a breath of fresh air. Follow these guidelines for dressing for winter runs.

Less is more

It’s tempting to dress to be warm when you head out the door, but when you do, you’ll be overdressed and shedding layers in the first mile. Instead, aim to dress for temperatures that are 15-20 degrees warmer to allow for your body temperature increase while running. You should feel chilled when you walk out the door.

Dress in layers

Having the right apparel makes all the difference in the world. Your winter running wardrobe should include:


For colder and snowy, icy days add these accessories:

Be Seen

Always think about visibility when running in dark or snowy conditions. Wear brightly colored clothes. Reflectivity is added to most apparel, but it’s wise to add a reflective vest for extra caution. Add flashing lights and a headlamp to be even more visible to traffic, and always carry an I.D. just in case.

Keep an apparel log

Everybody’s body temperature varies so apparel our needs will be different person to person, and based on the elements. It’s wise to keep track of what works for you in various temperatures and conditions. Eventually, you’ll have a go-to system for whatever Old Man Winter throws your way.
Coach Jenny Hadfield is a published author, writer, coach, public speaker and endurance athlete. To find out more, visit our Meet Our Writers page or visit Coach Jenny’s website.