Johnson Fitness & Wellness

CSA Haul Recipe of the Week: Stuffed Acorn Squash with Couscous

It’s gourd season! Butternut squash, spaghetti squash, pumpkins, and acorn squash are filling the grocery store aisles with rich fall colors. These gourds are heavy, both physically and nutritionally. They are filled with fiber and antioxidants, and they work as a beautiful canvas to sweet and savory flavors alike.
With this recipe, we jumped on the stuffed food trend and put a squash-like spin on it. The acorn squash is a perfect size for a dinner for two and works as its own bowl! We went the savory route and brought out the nutty flavors with some fennel and garlic powder. The couscous adds a nice chewy texture to the entire dish while also acting as a sponge for the flavors. You could even make extra couscous and refrigerate for lunch the next day!
If you are enjoying this recipe series, you can check out the previous CSA recipe here:
Orzo Tomato Salad
Psst, some of our Johnson Fitness & Wellness stores are actually CSA pickup locations! We’ve got free totes to carry all of your goodies in. The CSA program that we use is organized by Westridge Organic Produce. To find out more about our local Madison, WI CSA program, you can go here!


Stuffed Acorn Squash with Couscous