Johnson Fitness & Wellness

CSA Haul Recipe of the Week: Lemon-Dijon Green Beans

This week we got a batch of delicious green beans in our CSA haul. Sometimes you want your green beans to be simple with just a pinch of salt. Other times, you want your green beans to be bright and lively – this was one of those times.
The addition of kalamata olives and almonds give this dish a nice variety of textures and flavors. And the best part? This dish tastes indulgent while still being nutritious. We hope you try it out!
If you are enjoying this recipe series, you can check out the previous CSA recipe here:
Sautéed Zucchini Over Polenta With Ranchero Beans
Psst, some of our Johnson Fitness & Wellness stores are actually CSA pickup locations! We’ve got free totes to carry all of your goodies in. The CSA program that we use is organized by Westridge Organic Produce. To find out more about our local Madison, WI CSA program, you can go here! 


Lemon-Dijon Green Beans