Johnson Fitness & Wellness

CSA Haul Recipe of the Week: Snap Pea Sesame Soba Noodles

Last week, we got a nice batch of farm-fresh sugar snap peas in our CSA haul. Resident amateur chef, Claire Tomm, got inspired by the hot summer heatwave that’s been hitting us!
Here is a vegan AND gluten-free recipe that’s a lot easier than it looks. Soba is typically an East Asian noodle dish that is served cold, so it’s perfect for these summer months. Better still, sugar snap peas are in season and add a great fresh bite to this recipe.
If you are enjoying this recipe series, you can check out the previous CSA recipe here:
Kale Pesto on Grilled Pizza
Psst, some of our Johnson Fitness & Wellness stores are actually CSA pickup locations! We’ve got free totes to carry all of your goodies in. The CSA program that we use is organized by Westridge Organic Produce. To find out more about our local Madison, WI CSA program, you can go here! 


Sesame Soba Noodles with Snap Peas



