Johnson Fitness & Wellness

CSA Haul Recipe of the Week: Kale Pesto on Grilled Pizza

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you might have realized that kale has had quite the renaissance lately. From smoothies to salads, this power food has gone from garnish to house staple – and for good reason.
Kale is robust to withstand various methods of cooking while still maintaining its structure but mild enough in flavor that it goes well with most things. It’s also packed full of good nutrients and fiber, so it’s no wonder how kale has gotten so popular. Not a fan of the fibrous texture? This kale pesto recipe might be perfect for you.
If you are enjoying this recipe series, you can check out the previous CSA recipe here:
Roasted Beet Flatbread Pizza
Psst, some of our Johnson Fitness & Wellness stores are actually CSA pickup locations! We’ve got free totes to carry all of your goodies in. The CSA program that we use is organized by Westridge Organic Produce. To find out more about our local Madison, WI CSA program, you can go here! 


Kale Pesto:






Grilled Chickpea Pizza: