Johnson Fitness & Wellness

How to Add A Home Gym For The Family

Time, travel, crowds, weather, family, work . . . these are just a handful of the excuses people have when it comes to not being able to make it to the gym on a regular basis.  While many hardcore fitness enthusiasts will just tell you to lose the excuses, there are many people who legitimately cannot make it to the gym as often as they’d like. As much as the prospect of getting (and staying!) in shape appeals to people, many are overwhelmed with other priorities in their life and making it to a local gym often times seems impossible.
If that sounds like you then perhaps it’s time you consider building your own home gym!
While that in itself may sound a bit overwhelming, not to mention expensive, it can actually be a pretty simple process and very friendly on the fitness budget.  In fact, you will actually save money in the long run by not having to pay for a membership and the costs associated with driving to and from the gym.  And, of course, the time you will save can be invaluable!
Before I jump into how you can build your own home gym, let me first admit that home gyms are not for everyone.  Before you make the financial commitment of buying equipment, you have to determine if you and your family will actually use the in-home equipment.  The biggest mistake people often make is thinking that they’ll get in shape simply by spending money on a bunch of great equipment.  Often times that equipment never ends up getting used because some people simply need to get out of the house in order to exercise or have a hard time motivating themselves enough to want to exercise.
For that reason, I usually suggest that people start off a home gym project on a smaller scale and then build upon it if you are actually making use of it and enjoying it.
Here are some key considerations when planning your family-friendly home gym:

Find The Right Space

The first thing to decide is where you want to set up your home gym.  Basements, spare bedrooms, offices, and garages can all make for an excellent workout space.
Try to utilize a space that offers little in the way of disturbance and distraction.  Remember, you want to focus on being able to work out and not on other gizmos, gadgets, papers, etc. that will call your attention away from the task at hand.
Find a space that accommodates those that will be using it.  Is it just for you or will other family members be using it?  Will you be using it together?  If so, make sure there’s enough room for however many could be in there at the same time.
Finally, consider what types of things you’ll want to do as far as working out in that space.  If you’ll be using weights, do you have the right type of floors?  Are the ceilings high enough for what you want to do?  Is there an electric outlet if you want to add anything that requires power?  Will you be disturbing anyone else in the house while working out?  If you live in a condo, apartment, etc. will this space and the exercises you’ll be doing bother any neighbors?

Add the Right Equipment

While there are a few pieces of equipment that can be essential to most home gyms, how you equip your space really depends on how you, and any others in the family, will be utilizing it.  The key is to only add equipment that will help get the most out of a variety of exercise routines.  While some may go all out and add a huge array of equipment, chances are most of that will take up valuable space and go to waste.
Who will be using it?  Each person in the family may have different likes/dislikes and goals when it comes to fitness and working out, so plan accordingly around who will be utilizing the workout room.  Will kids be using it?  Make sure you have equipment that is appropriate for what they’ll be doing.  Varying fitness levels?  You may be very advanced when it comes to working out, but your spouse may be new to working out or at a very low fitness level.  Make sure the equipment you choose fits a variety of needs and levels.
Here are a few suggested items to help get any home gym going……

Having a home gym can be a perfect solution to making fitness a priority for you and your family.  But remember, even the best equipped home gym will do absolutely nothing for your health and fitness unless you use it!  Schedule your workouts, find things you like to do, workout with your spouse or kids . . . whatever it takes, just use it!
About the writer: Ken Grall is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and owns and operates an Edge Fitness in Madison, Wisconsin.