Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Mastering the Dip: Dos, Don'ts, and Modifications

If you’re looking for a great exercise that will build some serious upper body muscle, look no further than the dip!  Dips are an ideal compound exercise and are an ideal way to work the chest, shoulders and triceps.
Bodyweight dips do require you to have a pretty good base level of strength throughout your upper body, but many fitness facilities now feature assisted dip machines that offer a great way to start and quickly progress to doing full dips with your own bodyweight.
Let’s take a look at how to do them.

Mastering the Dip: The Dos

Mastering the Dip: The Don’ts

Mastering the Dip: Modify to You

Once you can do 3 sets of 12-15 dips no problem, you have a few options to ramp up the difficulty: