Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Check Out the Latest to Receive Awards

Buying a treadmill is both an investment financially as well as for your health. You will want to pick a treadmill that gets you the most for your buck, but don’t take our word for it. Recently, Treadmill Talk, a treadmill review site, honored the following treadmills with their Best Buys for 2017.

The Horizon T101 Treadmill

Our tried and true treadmill is best for walking. It has easy assembly as well as 30 workout options on the console. It’s also a space saver with it’s FeatherLight folding frame type. This simple treadmill is great to get on and go.

Learn more about the Horizon T101 Treadmill


The Horizon Adventure 3 Treadmill

A step up from the T101 is the Adventure 3. This treadmill runs up to 12 mph and 12% incline. It comes with a lengthier cushioning and parts warranty of 3 years and a lifetime frame and motor warranty. Additionally, it is Passport Ready and includes ViaFit technology.

Learn more about the Horizon Adventure 3 Treadmill



The Horizon T7 Treadmill

This affordable running treadmill is great for those who want to get in those miles! Use the incline for added intensity and use your FREE Polar heart rate monitoring chest strap to stay in your target zone. Stay motivated with over 40 exercise programs and Virtual Active Programming.

Learn more about the Horzion T7 Treadmill



The Matrix TF30 Treadmill

The newest and most advanced out of the bunch is the Matrix TF30. This commercial-grade treadmill has a strong frame and deck combination as well as the best console technology around. It has three console options: The XR, XER, or XIR. The XIR has the largest touch screen, but both the XER and XIR come with great entertainment options such as: Facebook, Hulu Plush, MyFitnessPal, Netflix, Sprint 8, Twitter, YouTube, and more!

Learn more about the Matrix TF30 Treadmill