Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Better Your Ride by Building a Stronger Biking Body

As we approach the outdoor biking season and the arrival of Ride Your Bike To Work Day (Friday, May 19) , it’s important to note that there are several great things you can do in the gym to better prepare your body for a great ride.
While the legs are obviously an important part of biking, let’s not forget about some of the other key muscle groups that will help you pedal better…..


A strong core is key to a biker being able to handle their bike, climb hills and endure through a long ride.
Core exercises to include:  Planks, Dead Bugs, Palloff Presses


The glutes are the powerhouse of the lower body and play an important role in biking.
Glute exercise to include: Hip Bridge, Reverse Lunges, Deadlifts


Strong hamstrings will help you pedal much more efficiently…especially when you hit those hills!
Hamstring exercise to include: Stability Ball/TRX Curls, Lunges, Single Leg Deadlifts

Low Back

Long periods on a bike can be brutal on the low back.  While this area is generally covered with your core exercises, it’s always a good idea to incorporate a few things specifically for the low back.
Low back exercise to include: Kettlebell Swings, Superman’s, Deadlifts
About the writer: Ken Grall is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and owns and operates an Edge Fitness in Madison, Wisconsin. Learn more about Ken.
