Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Ask an expert: Healthy roadtrip snacks

I’m going to be traveling a lot with the family this summer. What are some healthy foods and snacks I can pack during our family road trips? – Jennifer
Whether it’s an afternoon at the beach or the All-American Road Trip, there’s nothing better than hitting the road for some summertime fun. While enjoying the local culinary offerings can be a big part of this experience, sometimes you’re just going to need a quick bite that doesn’t leave you and your family with a nutritional flat tire. Some of my favorite standbys that hold up to travel include cut veggies with hummus (Particularly peapods, carrot sticks and grape tomatoes), shelf stable milk and cereal, and dried fruit with nuts.
If you pack a cooler, pre-cut and washed fruit and yogurt topped with granola (pack the granola in a separate bag and mix when you’re ready to eat) or wraps using lettuce leaves or tortillas also travel really well. You can fill your wraps with your choice of meat, nut butter, or a high protein veggie salad. While they’re a little pricier and more processed, sometimes a grab-and-go protein bar or granola bar is your best option for portable nutrition that travels well.
Whatever you choose, pack plenty of water and top up your tank with a good mix of carbohydrates and protein so you and your family won’t crash and burn in the middle of your summer adventures.
Happy traveling!
Joli Guenther is a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and clinical social worker practicing in and around Madison, Wisconsin. To find out more, visit the Meet Our Writers page.