Johnson Fitness & Wellness

6 Quick power breakfast ideas

You’ve already heard how important breakfast is for providing morning fuel and starting your day with regulated meals and metabolism. The trouble is how much time it takes to build a traditional breakfast — time you’d rather spend getting as close to 7 1/2 hours of sleep as you can manage. Get the best of both worlds with any of these 6 quick and powerful breakfast ideas.
1. Breakfast Burritos (10 minutes)
Scramble up some eggs and sausage with cheese and spinach, then wrap it in a whole-wheat tortilla. This combines high protein and healthy fat with fiber from the tortilla and spinach. Add bell or hot peppers for flavor, and feel free to trade in a vegetarian option for the sausage.
2. Greek Yogurt Parfait (3 minutes)
Alternate layersof greek yogurt with layers of fresh fruit, granola, dried fruit and nuts. Stir it all together, or keep the layered effect for a different taste and texture with each bite. Add flavor with a little honey, a splash of vanilla or a sprinkle of dark chocolate powder. Flax seeds or chia seeds can add extra omega oils and micronutrients.
3. Protein Bars (20 to 30 minutes)
You can find protein bar recipes that match your diet all over the web.  The trick for using them as a quick power breakfast is to make a batch on the weekend, then pull out what you need each morning. It’s portable, energy-rich and full of the proteins and fats that will help you focus and control your appetite all morning long.
4. Simple Preloaded Smoothie (4 minutes)
Load yogurt, frozen fruit, bananas and your favorite flavoring into your blender just before you go to bed. Put the thing in the fridge. Pull out in the morning with the contents partially thawed, add your ice and blend. If you forget your evening prep, the whole thing takes only 10 minutes in the morning.
5. Peanut Butter Celery (5 minutes)
It’s not just for kids’ lunch box side dishes anymore. The peanut butter — use organic instead of the sugar- and salt- laden regular — carries the protein and fats that turn breakfast into power breakfast. The celery adds a compelling crunch and plenty of fiber. Experiment with some added nuts and seeds, a little organic honey, or a sprinkling of dark chocolate to add some adult flavor to this handy and portable package.
6. Breakfast Sandwich (7 minutes)
Take some salmon or lean deli meat and slip it between two slices of organic, whole-grain bread along with a fried egg and some lettuce or kale. You get whole-gran carbohydrates, protein and healthy fat in a package that’s easy to carry and eat as you go about your morning. Bonus points for frying the egg and slicing the meat the night before.
Honorable Mention: Breakfast With Family (60 to 90 minutes)
This isn’t a realistic option for most families during the week, but the mental and emotional nourishment you’ll get from making this a weekend tradition pays wellness benefits all week long. Make the time to connect on Saturday or Sunday morning with the people you share your life with. If you live alone, make a standing date with friends to come over, or get together at a healthy breakfast spot in your neighborhood.
There are many more power breakfast options available even for the most on-the-go. What are some of your favorites, and what tricks do you use to make them faster and better?