Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Prevent Spring Running Pain

You know that running is good for your heart and your waistline, but did you know that it may actually be good for your knees?  A handful of studies have found that people who exercise vigorously, including runners, have healthier and thicker knee cartilage than the general population, possibly reducing their risk of osteoarthritis in the long (ahem) run.     Need more good news to keep you motivated this winter?  Running related minor injuries, including stress fractures, are more likely to be avoided when runners continue to log miles during their off season.  Stress fractures and their common predecessor, shin splints, are more likely to occur when mileage and/or intensity of your workouts undergo a dramatic increase, as most of ours do at the first sign of warm spring weather. For a summary of these findings, check out the link here.  Need a prescription for prevention?  Continue running, even at a low level, during the off season.  Not only will you help to keep winter pounds from slowing you down this spring, but you’ll prevent spring training injuries as well.  Sounds like a good reason to keep the dust off the treadmill this winter!