Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Beyond the Elliptical – Set your Goals for Success in the New Year

New Year’s fitness resolutions are often established and abandoned well before Valentine’s Day.  Many resolutions fail because they are set in general terms, such as “live healthier” or “get fitter”, ideas that sound good but are hard to recognize.  If you already own a piece of fitness equipment, you may be resolving to use your elliptical more or commit to an exercise program.  To be successful, it’s important to define what these resolutions will really mean in practice.  Does committing to an exercise program mean 20 minutes twice a week or will you need to establish a daily habit to have the impact you desire?  Is your goal to simply use your elliptical more, or is there a specific result you’re seeking such as weight loss or increased fitness?  As you set your resolutions this year, think beyond vague improvements and take a look at where you want to be.  Once you define your goal, establish specific achievements and deadlines (How much weight, by when?  What sort of performance in which event?) that will allow you to develop the  plan and commitment it will take to get there.  Be specific and you’ll find yourself one step closer to moving beyond the elliptical and towards a fitter you in 2010.
Looking for a few habits worth cultivating?  Check out this link for 13 Habits that will lead to a healthier new year.