Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Make your workout fun!

A good fitness program is more than using your exercise equipment every day.  Finding ways to add variety and fun to your workouts will keep you motivated and getting fitter.  The tips below are a few ways you can use your Horizon treadmill or elliptical to bring fun back into your workout routine.

  1. Keep the music playing.  Many of the Horizon products include docking stations for your I-Pod to make bringing music into your workout easier than ever.  Even if you don’t have that capability, turn up your stereo or use headphones.  Research backs up what gym rats have known for decades.  Music keeps you moving! Try this link for more information about the benefits of adding music to your workouts.
  2. Join a training team.  Training as part of a group can keep your motivation high.  You can access team training programs through on-line communities that offer support for a variety of goals, including weight loss and improved performance.  You may also want to consider pulling together a team of friends or co-workers to support an athletic charity event or to get involved in an adventure activity.  Try to locate an event in your area. Having a team for motivation can make the training that you do on your own more meaningful and exciting.
  3. Get the family involved.  Think about ways you can make your family a part of your exercise program.  While this might involve family walks and activities, you can also incorporate individual goals using your fitness equipment to develop friendly competitions and simple rewards (think movies or dinner out) that will help keep everyone active.

For more on-line communities and training teams, check out and  You’ll find forums specializing in performance, weight loss, and general support.