Johnson Fitness & Wellness

A Good Workout is More Than the Right Equipment. It's All About Your Fitness Form.

Strength training veterans know that an effective workout requires good form, but how do you know if you’re maintaining your form, especially if most of your training is done at home? Thinking about form from head to toe by considering key alignment checkpoints will help keep you stable, injury free and working out effectively. So what are those key areas? Start at your feet and work up through the major joints (and injury prone areas) of the body.

If you’re getting started on a weight lifting or cardio routine, you may want to keep a list of these checkpoints around to reference during your first few workouts. In time you will find that they become second nature and that good form in exercise and good posture in daily life are closely linked. If you find yourself with ongoing aches and pains or feel unstable in your activities, it may be worthwhile to schedule a session or two with a personal trainer or physical therapist who can instruct you personally in mastering a good form.