Johnson Fitness & Wellness

How To Quickly Get Your Beach Body In 8 Weeks – Weeks 5 & 6

Congratulations on making it halfway through the challenge! Weeks 3 & 4 focused on increasing your intensity and introduced more weight with resistance bands and dumbbells.
Coming up with weeks 5 & 6 we will add on additional workouts throughout the week. Some days will have both an AM & PM exercise. Saturdays will also introduce the Saturday Slammer – choose one of these fast calorie burning exercises. Your cardio exercise will be in your 75-85% range of max heart rate. This is to help with building your endurance and recovery. Maintaining this range should be challenging, but you got this!

Weeks 5-6 AM PM
Monday Sprint 8; Strength Workout 5
Tuesday 25 minutes of cardio intervals at 75-85% of max heart rate 30 minutes of cardio at 75% of max heart rate, Strength Workout 6
Wednesday Sprint 8; Strength Workout 5
Thursday 30 minutes of cardio at 75% of max heart rate, Strength Workout 6
Friday 25 minutes of cardio intervals at 75-85% of max heart rate 30 minutes of cardio at 75-80% of max heart rate
Saturday Saturday Slammer (see above), Strength Workout 5
Sunday Recreation: walk or hike, take a yoga class, play frisbee, or garden. Whatever gets you moving on the weekend!


Strength Workout 5

Circuit style: each station is 60 seconds. Complete two stations then rest for one minute before the next pair of stations.
Jack Push-ups: from high plank positions jump hands and feet wide to low push up position, return to high plank position.
Jump to Squat Clean: From a standing position with dumbbells at your side, jump forward to a wide squat position catching dumbbells at your shoulders. Jump back to starting position.
Rest (1 min)
Scissor Lunges (jump into a lunge position then immediately jump into a lunge with the other leg forward)
Mountain Climbers
Rest 1 min
Alternate Dumbbell Pushups: Place a dumbbell under your right hand to raise it up. Complete 6 push ups, move it to your left hand, complete six pushups. Repeat
When you finish, repeat the circuit placing the other exercise first, so that station 1 is Jump to Squat Clean followed by Jack Pushups, etc.
Modifications: Remove jump or weight from any movement. Squats can be substituted for lunges.

Strength Workout 6

Home Gym Friendly Wall Balls: Using a Dynamax Ball, complete a full squat holding the ball at chest height, when you stand extend heels up and reach ball overhead as though throwing it up the wall in front of you. That’s one rep.
Sit up Ball Passes: Using the Dynamax ball, facing the wall as though prepared to do push ups. When you lie down, your arms bring the ball to the floor over your head, when you sit up, pass the ball to the wall, catch it and repeat.
Each station is 5 minutes.  Complete as many reps as you can. Repeat each station 1 time.