Johnson Fitness & Wellness

Top 4 Reasons to Perfect the Medicine Ball Slam

In recent years, the medicine ball slam has gained popularity in the fitness world.  Not only do slams have a number of great benefits – like burning fat, increasing strength, developing explosive power – but they’re also fun to do!

Increase Explosive Power

The goal of the ball slam is to raise the ball overhead as high as possible with extended arms before slamming the ball to the ground, using your entire body – this fast exertion utilizes and builds explosive power.

Build Core Strength

A surprisingly large amount of core strength is required when performing slams, making it an ideal way to build strength and stability throughout the middle part of the body.

Burn Calories!

Med ball slams are intense, making them an ideal way to elevate the heart rate and scorch some calories.

Works The Entire Body

The medicine ball slam is a full body exercise, utilizing the upper body, core and lower body. It’s fantastic for overall conditioning and quickly gets the heart rate going.
It’s also an ideal “functional” movement that transfers over to other exercises, sports and activities.

How To Do A Medicine Ball Slam